Church Is Messy: 1 Timothy 6
1 Timothy Message Series
1 Timothy Chapter 6
Rick and Svea swap chairs as Svea preached the message on 1 Timothy 6 this week and Rick asks her clarifying questions.
Topics Discussed in this Episode
- 00:00 Intro and recap of the message.
- 02:54 Discussion of what slavery was like in the NT times.
- 08:57 Not every single verse in the Bible points to how the world is "supposed to be" but Scripture engages culture where it is and inform us on what it looks like to follow God in the reality of life's situations.
- 10:17 The circles of context. The overarching message of the New Testament regarding slavery is it's wrong. But, if you were a slave and serving Jesus, how do you behave? You respect your master.
- 15:03 Aristides: Less than 100 years after 1 Timothy was written, the behavior of Christians, including slaves and their masters, was reported to the Emperor as being counter-cultural.
- 17:08 Money. How did this chapter mess with Svea as she prepared the message?
- 19:18 Svea's response: discussing the topic of money with congregation members at either end of the wealth spectrum and the "gut punch" to both the spender and the saver.
- 21:31 Learning to trust God. The experience of finding security trusting in the means by which God provides instead of trusting God.
- 24:54 We tend to hedge our bets with trusting Jesus. All of us need to learn to trust the Giver, not the gift.
- 25:44 Figuring out Simplicity. Generosity seems more obvious.
- 26:46 Simplicity is the focus on doing and engaging in the things that support our top priorities. It's not minimalism. It is applying the gospel best to whatever phase of life you're in.
- 32:52 Being mindful, not mindless, helps to create margin.
- 35:56 Jonathan Edwards quote.
- 37:09 Taking a short break. Be back after Easter for Home Improvement.